Password Generator


About Us

What is IntrepidKey?

IntrepidKey is random password generator for generating impossible-to-crack passwords, which are complex with multiple types of characters (numbers, letters, and symbols). It keeps you safe from most password-hacking methods, such as by social engineering, brute force, dictionary attack method, etc. and keep your online accounts safe. Using complex and unique passwords can largely minimise such kinds of hacking.

IntrepidKey has the vision to create a platform where user can generate and save their passwords, with no privacy issues and easy access to all saved passwords.

Why password generator is necessary?

We are in a modern technological era where almost everyone has various high-tech gadgets. The sophisticated devices are used in connecting and sharing information with other computing devices. At times they connect with banks and help in completing financial transactions. As such, they’re prone to unauthorized access that may lead to loss of valuable data or money. Furthermore, unauthorized users may use your logins to commit a cybercrime leaving you in trouble with the authorities.

The most prevalent way hackers can break through computers is by guessing your password. Use of simple and common passwords creates an opportunity for hackers to get access to your electronic devices. Since no one would wish to have their personal information stolen, use strong passwords to protect your information.

Password generators can save you from fraud and other cyber security threats by creating secure and strong passwords.

How to prevent your password from being hacked?

1) Do not use the same password, security question and answer for multiple important accounts.

2) Use a password that has at least 16 characters, use at least one number, one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter and one special symbol.

3) Change passwords at least a couple of times a year: get fresh ones, and don’t just swap around the ones you already use!

4) Do not let your Web browsers( FireFox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, IE, Microsoft Edge ) to store your passwords, since all passwords saved in Web browsers can be revealed easily.

5) It's recommended that you remember a few master passwords, store other passwords in a plain text file and encrypt this file with 7-Zip, GPG or a disk encryption software such as BitLocker, or manage your passwords with a password management software.

6) Remember that public WiFi has more holes than Swiss cheese – everything you do while connected can be spied on.

7) Only use well-known or reputable WiFi hotspots – setting up fake free networks is a common sting.

8) Turn on 2-step authentication whenever possible.

9) Do not store your critical passwords in the cloud.

10) Do not click the link in an email or SMS message, do not reset your passwords by clicking them, except that you know these messages are not fake.

11) Encrypt and backup your passwords to different locations, then if you lost access to your computer or account, you can retrieve your passwords back quickly.